Undergraduate Studies

Undergraduate Studies: EngSci Aerospace Major

What is the EngSci Aerospace Major?

Students who wish to study Aerospace Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto, must enroll in the four-year undergraduate Engineering Science program. In the first two years, this program places strong emphasis on mathematics, chemistry, physics and computing.

Towards the end of the second year of Engineering Science, students select a major (formerly known as an 'Option') for their 3rd and 4th years of study. Aerospace Engineering is one of those majors available for students to choose, and courses are primarily taught by UTIAS professors.


For inquires about admission requirements and application procedures to the EngSci program and the Aerospace Engineering Major please contact the Department of Engineering Science.

For other inquiries please contact:

Alis Ekmekci, PhD, PEng
Chair, Aerospace Engineering Major
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
E-mail: alis.ekmekci@utoronto.ca

Quick FAQ's

Program Description

The first two years of the Engineering Science curriculum are common to all majors.

In 3rd and 4th year, students who choose the Aerospace Major (Option), follow the curriculum described in the tables below.

Also Please Note:

  1. Students must complete a half-year thesis (taken either in 4F or 4S), or a full-year thesis in their final year of study.
  2. Students must take at least three of AER503H1, AER506H1, AER515H1, ROB521H1, AER406H1, AER407H1, or AER525H1.
  3. Students must take at least one of AER406H1 or AER407H1.
  4. The Technical Elective may be chosen from any 400 or 500 level technical course offered in Engineering provided students have taken the pre-requisite course(s). Other non-Engineering courses may be taken with the approval of the Division of Engineering Science.

The full curriculum details can be found in the Applied Science and Engineering calendar.

Fall Session - Year 3CourseYearLect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
Aerospace Laboratory IAER303H1F-1-0.15
Introduction to Space FlightAER306H1F3-10.50
Economic Analysis and Decision MakingCHE374H1F3-10.50
Engineering Science Option SeminarESC301H1Y1--0.25
Partial Differential EquationsESC384H1F3-10.50
One of:
Complex AnalysisMAT389H1F3-10.50
Mathematics for RoboticsROB310H1F3-10.50

Winter Session - Year 3CourseYearLect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
Aircraft FlightAER302H1S3-10.50
Aerospace Laboratory IIAER304H1S-1-0.15
Scientific ComputingAER336H1S3-10.50
Control SystemsAER372H1S31.5010.50
Mechanics of Solids and StructuresAER373H1S3-10.50
Engineering Science Option SeminarESC301H1Y1--0.25

Fall Session - Year 4CourseYearLect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
Computational Structural Mechanics and Design OptimizationAER501H1F3-10.50
Complementary Studies ElectiveF0.50
Three courses in:
Space Systems DesignAER407H1F-3-0.50
Spacecraft Dynamics and ControlAER506H1F3-10.50
Introduction to Fusion EnergyAER507H1F3-10.50
Linear Control TheoryECE557H1F31.5010.50
Other Technical ElectiveF0.50

Winter Session - Year 4CourseYearLect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
Aerospace PropulsionAER510H1S3-10.50
Complementary Studies ElectiveS0.50
Three courses in:
Aircraft DesignAER406H1S--30.50
Mobile Robotics and PerceptionROB521H1S31.5010.50
Other Technical ElectiveS0.50