D. W. Zingg , Director of UTIAS, has expertise in high-fidelity aerodynamic shape optimization based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applied to the design of ultra-low-drag aircraft with reduced emissions. He is among the world leaders in this field, as evidenced by his prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship and CRC in Computational Aerodynamics and Environmentally Friendly Aircraft Design.
C. A. Steeves, Associate Director of the Centre for Research in Sustainable Aviation, is an outstanding researcher in the field of multifunctional and microarchitectured lightweight structures. He is currently working on the optimisation of materials and structures in challenging aerospace environment to reduce the mass and increase the performance of aircraft.
P. Lavoie Associate Director of the Centre for Research in Sustainable Aviation, is internationally known for his work in active flow control and experimental fluid mechanics. His current work is focused on the development and implementation of active flow control systems for the purpose of reducing skin friction and pressure drag in aviation, for which he has received an ERA.
A. Ekmekci is an expert in experimental fluid dynamics. Her research group conducts investigations in flow-structure interactions, unsteady flow dynamics, and flow control with an emphasis on the reduction of drag and suppression of flow-induced noise and vibration.
C. P. T. Groth is a theoretical and computational fluid dynamicist and a leading expert in finite-volume schemes for compressible, non-reacting, reactive, and non-equilibrium flows methods. His research focuses on the development of high-order, parallel, adaptive mesh refinement techniques for complex flows.
O. L. Gülder has been working since 1977 in the areas of alternative fuels for aviation, effects of fuel composition on pollutant and soot formation in combustion, emissions measurements, high pressure combustion, laminar and turbulent flames and non-intrusive combustion diagnostics.
H. L. MacLean is an internationally recognized expert in sustainable systems analysis, having developed and applied novel life cycle assessment approaches. Her analyses have been focused on the energy and transportation sectors, with substantial work over the last decade in the area of biofuels.
E. Master brings extensive experience in bioprocesses for the production of fuels, biogas, and renewable materials from plant biomass. She holds an ERA for her work on enzymatic valorization of plant biomass, and was awarded the Finland Distinguished Professor Fellowship.
S. Moreau holds an Industrial Research Chair in Acoustics Applied to Aviation and is an expert in turbomachinery design. His current research focuses on the noise generation of wall-bounded flows and jets, and the control of such noise sources. This includes the prediction of tonal and broadband noise from airfoils, fans, high-lift devices and landing gears.
P. B. Nair is a leading researcher in the field of computational modelling and design optimization under uncertainty, for which he holds a CRC. His current research focuses on numerical methods for constructing real-time emulators of complex high-dimensional engineering systems and optimization methods for robust design.
K. Strong has expertise in remote sounding of atmospheric composition from ground-based, balloon-borne, and satellite instruments, serving as Principal Investigator (PI) of the MANTRA balloon mission, PI of the University of Toronto Atmospheric Observatory, which has been an NDACC station since 2004, and Co-Investigator on the Odin/OSIRIS and ACE satellite missions.