
U of T Engineering startup teaBOT expands across North America

May 31, 2016

Last week, teaBOT — a U of T Engineering startup which sells robot-blended, customized cups of loose-leaf tea — opened its newest location in the very first 365 by Whole Foods Market™ store in Los Angeles. There are now six teaBOTs in operation across North America, and the company has […]

UTIAS hosts 5th International Workshop on Aviation and Climate Change

May 26, 2016

The University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) hosted its 5th International Workshop on Aviation and Climate Change during May 18-20, 2016. Held every two years since 2008, the workshop provides a snapshot of progress toward reducing the contribution of aviation to climate change even as the demand for […]

Aerospace innovation to take off at Downsview Park

May 19, 2016

The aerospace industry is one of the most important contributors to Canada’s economy. Delivering $29 billion of GDP annually, and $27.7 billion in direct revenues, Canada currently has the second largest aerospace industry in the world (relative to GDP). But as global conditions continue to change, aerospace is reaching a […]

Prof. David Zingg featured in Washington Post story about the future of green aviation

April 28, 2016

Swiss pilot Bertrand Piccard made headlines on Saturday when he glided a solar-powered plane onto Moffett Airfield in California after a three-day journey across the Pacific Ocean. It’s the most recent stop in an around-the-world trip that began in Abu Dhabi last spring and is intended to raise awareness about […]

Alumnus Raffaello D’Andrea reveals the magic in his machinery at the 2016 I.I. Glass Lecture

April 28, 2016

At the 2016 I.I. Glass Lecture, Professor Raffaello D’Andrea (EngSci 9T1) left his audience with the whimsical words of Arthur C. Clarke: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” To the casual observer, much of D’Andrea’s work looks like magic. Alumnus Raffaello D’Andrea reveals the magic in his machinery […]

Professor Tim Barfoot’s research lets mobile robots drive themselves

April 28, 2016

This week, Google, Ford and Uber united behind a push to speed up the implementation of self-driving cars. But in Professor Tim Barfoot’s lab at the University of Toronto’s Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS), mobile robots have been driving themselves for years. U of T Engineering research lets mobile robots […]

A look into the Canadian aerospace innovation ecosystem

April 11, 2016

Innovation clusters and hubs often grow around specific industries. In The Next Silicon Valley, we frequently explore what makes particular locations strong in specific industry sectors. In this article we take a look at the innovation ecosystem in Canada’s aerospace sector, since this is one of the most important contributors […]

Here Come the Robots with Prof. Angela Schoellig

April 6, 2016

When ‘The Jetsons’ premiered in 1962, it showed the world a future of robots cleaning homes. While robots are not quite there yet, they are taking over jobs in all kinds of industries. Angela Schoellig, head of the University of Toronto’s Dynamic Systems Lab, joins The Agenda to explain where […]

Professor Adam Steinberg receives the Inaugural Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Researcher Award

April 6, 2016

Professor Adam Steinberg (UTIAS) is the first recipient of the Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Researcher Award. Presented jointly by the Combustion Institute and academic publishing company Elsevier, the award recognizes excellence in fundamental or applied combustion science research. “It’s a very big honour,” said Steinberg. “It’s a great encouragement to […]

Five innovations out of U of T Engineering making the future greener

March 30, 2016

Today the University of Toronto unveiled its plan for taking action on climate change in a bold report, Beyond Divestment: Taking Decisive Action on Climate Change. “The University’s most valuable and effective contributions to the global effort to avert and mitigate the consequences of climate change will flow from our […]